My name is
Xiangjun "Tina" Zhou.
This page was created on
July 1, 1999
the JavaScript class I am taking at Foothill College.
You can reach me by e-mail at
[email protected].
The class work will be listed below.
Other of my recent web publishing and design work
can be foound at Work 1 Create this homepage and join eCircle 2 Create a JavaScript to print numbers up to 100 in a table: assign2.html source 3 Create a JavaScript to open a new window with dynamic background and picture button with onClick functionality when click the link in main window: assign3.html source 4 Create a JavaScript to : assign4.html source 5 Create a JavaScript to : assign5.html source 6 Create a JavaScript to : assign6.html source 7 Final Project - shopping cart to buy mutual fund on-line: shopcatalog.html source